We Bring the Local Real Estate Community Together - Builders, Developers, REALTORS and Buyers!
About Builder Guides

Our Builder and Developer partners tell us they are constantly amazed at our almost FANATICAL level of 24×7 customer support. Builder-Broker relations is our expertise – that’s all we do. Our goal is to maximize your local brand and educate and inform area Brokers and Real Estate Professionals on just how easy it is to sell YOUR new-construction homes!

Builders and Developers – Is there a possible disconnect or ‘room for improvement’ between your Internal teams and local Brokers and Agents? We have found that many times access to current inventory, incentive, community, and event  information is quite limited and “slow twitch”, often at the mercy of local print publication deadlines. After meeting with Brokers and Builders across the country, we designed our ‘deliver now’ services to meet those challenges and break the historically slow paradigms of communication between Builders and area Real Estate Professionals. With over 1 Billion  targeted Builder communications and nearly 2 billion page views since 2006, WE ARE HERE FOR YOU!

With over 1 Billion  targeted Builder communications and nearly 2 billion page views since 2006, WE ARE HERE FOR YOU!

Why it’s important for a Builder to maintain consistent and ongoing positive relationships with the Broker/Agent community? 

  • Brokers and Agents provide a steady stream of qualified buyers.
  • Brokers and Agents bring repeat business to builders and developers they trust and have an ongoing relationship with.
  •  Brokers and Agent deals have lower cancellation rates.
  • Maximized Broker – Agent relationships result in even-flow sales throughout the year providing better planning capabilities for a builder.
  • A higher percentage of Agent prospects sign contracts to purchase homes on first visits than prospects without Real Estate Professionals.
  • 88% of buyers purchased their home through a real estate agent or broker.