We Bring the Local Real Estate Community Together - Builders, Developers, REALTORS and Buyers!

Agent Liaison

Our Agent Liaison service makes it easy for you to sell new construction homes. Rather than searching through hundreds of homes, trying to find the right one for your clients, the right home comes to you!

1) Submit a Request

Let us do the digging! Submit a request with your buyer’s specific needs.

2) Notify the Builders

We receive your request, and contact the Builders that have what your clients are searching for.

3) It's a Match

Builders will contact you directly if they have what your client is looking for. Now, all there is to do is Sell!

4) Sell More, Earn More

Our Agent Liaison service will allow you to sell more houses, and build your business.

Simply fill out our Agent Liaison form with your clients dream home specifications, and we will let Builders know what you are looking for. If the Builder has a home they think your client will love, they will contact you immediately.

Your job just got easier!